
Email Opt-Out Tracking, Revolutionized

The innovators of email opt-out tracking.

At UnsubCentral, our mission is simple: to help you do email marketing better—with clarity and confidence. We were the first company to offer email opt-out tracking solutions for advertisers, agencies and affiliate networks. And we’re still miles ahead of the other guys when it comes to ease of use/accessibility.

In a nutshell, our platform helps companies stay CAN-SPAM-compliant, with tools for:

PS: This ain’t our first rodeo. Did we mention that already? We’ve been around since 2003, making email opt-out tracking truly efficient and worry-free, while supporting best practices for partner marketing via email.

Our Energy

Email opt-out tracking is serious business. But we don’t like to be grim about it. You shouldn’t be, either.
In our view, email marketing presents enormous, exciting opportunities every day. Your team should be free to focus on compelling content, gorgeous design, improved personalization… Let us focus on keeping you and your partners compliant.

Our Expertise

Our experts live and breathe performance marketing, SaaS products, data security, CPA network integration, etc. They began their careers at places like Google, Microsoft, Dell, HP and other smart companies. Most important, they oversee departments of full-time, tenured employees. Because unlike our competitors, we think it’s important to maintain a strong, in-house team.

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