Here’s the newest low-down on some more than cool co-marketing we’ve seen lately. If you were there when we went on our most recent tour of publishers winning with co-marketing, then you’ll have some idea of what to look forward to in this article. If not, catch up here first, and prepare to be amazed by some brilliant B2C co-marketing campaigns:
Free People
We’ll begin our show tonight with a clear-cut goodie. While we all love to see the glitz and glam of innovative ideas, sometimes, tried and true methods are the best option to show your efforts are not just a flash in the email inbox pan. Free People used a giveaway to collect information for themselves and two other companies. Using a theme for their giveaway allowed them to promote other companies that made sense with their brand, in this instance their active wear line.
Not only is their email clearly branded, but their landing page plainly tells you what company offers you can sign up for in the future. This campaign could use some social sharing buttons for each brand. Overall, it’s a solid performance even if no one shouts encore.
While not strictly a retail company, themuse has associated itself with other companies that align with it’s message of self care. That is to say they’ve carefully cultivated a sense of community that even the best of retail companies struggle with or, to utter the overused word, a sense of authenticity. The campaign we’re featuring highlights them playing to their strengths and enticing customers with a message of self improvement. Like the example above, they’ve chosen to co-market with a number of companies to create a greater enticement for subscriber’s emails and promoting their brand with a sense of community or as a lifestyle.
The sign up is easy, with a minimal amount of information needed. Including a zip code in the information they’ve collected is vital information for all the companies involved. This is a good example of not only focusing on the best way to communicate with your customers but deciding which information will make a partnership worthwhile to other brands.
Etsy & General Assembly
The collaborative efforts of General Assembly and Etsy are an interesting snapshot for the direction co-marketing may take. By utilizing events and offering resources they can work with a particular type of subscriber, influencers. These influencers can then promote the event or brands to their own followers or subscribers. Etsy and GA are creating excitement and building interest in two brands that you wouldn’t normally think complement each other. They’re harnessing two customer bases, the craftiness of Etsy and the classroom learning style of General Assembly to create a super DIY, or shall we say Skillshare in transit.
Next up, athleisure brand Bandier is following the trend by sending a co-marketing campaign with a number of other brands included. They’re trying to attract the 20-40 active female demographic by focusing on lifestyle, authenticity and experience creation.
They’ve made sure to show customers how they can interact with them, besides email, with their social links prominently displayed at the bottom of their email. Bandier also included a quick easy form and a listing for all the brands that you’ll be hearing from by entering the contest. It’s best practice to offer a check box that gives you the option to opt-out of emails. Its always good for companies to be transparent about how customer information will be handled when running a co-marketing campaign.
rag & bone
We’ll finish up with retailer rag & bone and talk about their partnership with publisherRefinery29. Refinery29 knows what will appeal to their 20-40 female demographic and they have a nack for creating tempting co-marketing campaigns.
The Rundown
The rundown is this, these brands are using their knowledge of their customer demographic to pick the most effective brands to partner with. This makes it more likely that customers will want to be contacted with future messages. The use of social sharing buttons is important because it allows your customers to become brand advocates and share your brand with subscribers who will be interested in what you have to offer.
These brands have all made it their focus to use co-marketing to further their branding as lifestyle or community creating brands. They’ve been able to do this by finding and collaborating with complementary brands and offering experiences that not only represent but promote that lifestyle.
If you’re still feeling puzzled about co-marketing please reach out to us at [email protected]. We offer business-to-business list scrubbing— before and after co-marketing email campaigns—so brand participants can keep email lists secure. We’ve helped dozens of major brands reach their campaign goals via co-marketing. Yours can be next.